Tips to Prepare for Adopting a Cat or Dog
Adopting a cat or dog requires much more than providing water, food, and shelter. To properly care and provide for a companion animal, you should research and carefully plan to ensure their lifestyle and needs match your availability and commitment.

Bryan-Hight Veterinary Hospital in Bainbridge, GA, is here to help you properly prepare for your pet adoption. Pets bring immense happiness to their owners, which is why over 1.6 billion are adopted each year. We have come up with a list of tips to guide you through this exciting and love-filled time. Please contact us today if you have any questions or concerns for your pet!
Puppies and kittens sound adorable to have by your side through the tough times and daily life, but you must realize they are living, breathing animals who grow and need a lot of attention and care. Dogs and cats could be a 15-20 year commitment, and you must be willing to dedicate your life to them for that time.
As life has its ups and downs throughout the years, you have to remember that your pet is your priority and responsibility to keep safe, healthy, and happy. This includes ensuring they receive enough exercise, companionship, and supervision.
Please consider your time, flexibility, finances, and living conditions before committing to adopting a cat or dog.
Finding The Right Pet
There are plenty of options when it comes to adopting the perfect pet for you. Rescues and shelters are experts at helping find the dog or cat that suits your lifestyle best. If you are looking for a specific breed and are looking to go through a breeder, you must research the breed and breeder.
You should consider your household, how many people live with you (children and adults), and if your space and time have room for a pet. Cats are known to be graceful, independent, playful, and sensitive, while dogs are very social animals who need quality companionship and attention from their owners.
Make sure to do your research and ensure you are adopting your pet from a reliable source that is true regarding their health and necessities.
When adopting a cat or dog, please examine the following to ensure they are in good health:
- Clean, soft coat with no external parasites
- Clear eyes with no redness or discharge
- Clean, odor-free ears
- Healthy skin with no sores
- Solid-body structure
- No signs of coughing, congestion, or diarrhea
- Vaccinations up to date
Adopting a Cat or Dog & Preparing Your Home
Many household items may not seem dangerous to us, but they can be very harmful to pets or small children. If your garbage is open or there are toxic plants in reach, your pet can get into something they aren’t supposed to and become very ill.
We encourage all owners to keep their house pet-friendly and protect all animals from getting stuck in wires, harmed in prohibited areas, or eating unknown materials. We have developed a list of things you can check in your home to ensure the safety for your new furry family member.
- Ensure all plants are out of reach and not poisonous to pets.
- Hide all hazardous wires that are in your pet’s reach.
- Avoid long cords or tassels on blinds and curtains that can strangle or choke a pet.
- Ensure your pet has a comfortable area in each room, so you can avoid them ruining any furniture.
- Make sure your pet has plenty of chew items to prevent nibbling on your furniture and other possessions.
- Provide a crate for training purposes.
Let Us Help You Welcome Your Furry Family Member
Millions of pets out there need homes, and if you believe you are ready to have your own, you can find the perfect one for you. We encourage you to address each of our tips and ensure you are prepared to take on the commitment of a dog or cat.
Adopting a cat or dog isn’t easy, but you can make the process run smoothly with love, dedication, and proper care. Bryan-Hight Veterinary Hospital is here to guide you through each stage of your pet’s life, so don’t hesitate to reach out to our team. If you’re a pet owner in Bainbridge, GA, Decatur County, or the surrounding areas, contact us today!