Radiography & Ultrasound Testing
in Bainbridge, GA
Diagnostic services are especially important in veterinary practice because your animal is unable to tell us whether they are feeling ill or have pain.
During an annual exam at Bryan-Hight Veterinary Hospital, our veterinarians will use advanced diagnostic technology to view the internal workings of your pet, allowing them to accurately diagnose any underlying health conditions.
Convenient Injectables
Bryan-Hight Veterinary Hospital offers the following Convenient Injectables:
• Pro Heart Inj – Annual Heartworm Prevention
• Librela Inj – Monthly Canine Arthritis Treatment
• Solensia Inj – Monthly Feline Arthritis Treatment
• Convenia Inj – 2-week Antibiotic Treatment

More commonly known as digital x-rays, radiographs are an extremely useful diagnostic tool when it comes to determining the best treatment plan for your pet. If a lump or abnormality is found on your pet’s body during their annual wellness exam, x-rays can help determine its size, shape and location. X-rays also help to discern foreign entities in the body our veterinarians are unable to examine with the naked eye, such as indigestible matter in your pet’s stomach, gastrointestinal issues, heart and lung diseases and bladder stones.

In-House Lab
At Bryan-Hight Veterinary Hospital, our facilities contain an extensive in-house laboratory where we are capable of processing a number of blood tests, including blood glucose, chemistry levels, and complete blood counts. We are also able to process pre-anaesthetic blood tests. Routine blood tests enable us to spot early signs of disease, changes in liver or kidney function, or simply provide a baseline for future reference. For specialized testing, we work closely with a comprehensive reference laboratory for more timely test results.